Sunday, May 20, 2012

One More Night.

Today I am grateful that there is only one more night of this horrible horrible thing i like to call "The Marsh's current work schedule"

Can I get a hallelujah?

This is currently me.

on the inside, of course.

It's been a long five and a half weeks. I have so much respect for people who spend their lives working on the opposite shift of their partner. five weeks and I'm done. I couldn't even begin to imagine doing it for years. YEARS! pheww. fuck that.

the last five weeks have been full of sleepless nights and the babes missing The Marsh helping them through their bed time routine. there has also been many days full of "if you wake daddy up you are going to BE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!!!" yea. I'm not going to miss that. at all.

after this last shift, The Marsh will go back to his ORIGINAL work shift for a grand total of two weeks, and then he'll go back to what he was working before, the 12 hours days. It'll be good going into the summer, because when he gets out at 6:00, it will still be light out and he can play with the babes outside for a while. plus he'll have more actual days off again, so we can somewhat enjoy the summer. beach trips and what not.

mostly i'm just excited to have him back with me again when I sleep. I've been sleeping in the same bed as him my entire adult life. I don't care for change thankyouverymuch.

so tonight i'm grateful that this whole ordeal is over. and it's just one more night.

oh, and if the title of this blog didn't get you singing Phil Collins in your head, we can no longer be friends.

or maybe I'm the only one who relates everything to a Phil Collins song....

Thanks for reading!

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