Saturday, May 5, 2012


Today I am grateful for my Dad.

Here he is with my brother last December...

Today is his 45th birthday. Happy Birthday, Dad! (even though by the time you read this it won't be your birthday anymore.)

I'm so very grateful to have my dad in my life. I wasn't lucky enough for him to be my biological father. although whether or not my mom met up with him in a dark alley 9 months before I was born is still up for debate. My mom met my dad, Jay, when I was 4. and the rest as they say, is history.

Over the years there have been ups and downs, of course. We're both emmensely stubborn people. and have what you might call "strong" personalities. sometimes that tends to clash. but I thinks all the clashing made us closer over the years. I may not have my biological father in my life, but I've never felt for one moment that I lacked a Dad. ever.

Adding to this giant fuckery of a year, Today, on my dad's birthday, his little cousin passed away. I'm just so sorry for everything that his family is going through. and so very terrified of anything happening to my dad. My father-in-law is still in the hospital and The Marsh is dealing with the very real possibility that he could lose his dad soon. I'm so so so grateful that right now, my dad doesn't seem to be going any where. I need him right here with me. because the two of us together can make fun of everyone else like no one's business. and really, it's an act that's taken 20 years to perfect. I don't plan on breaking in a new partner any time soon.

So today I am grateful for all my dad's 45 years. and I'm grateful in advance for the next 45.

Happy Birthday, Daddy. I love you.

Thanks for reading!

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