Sunday, May 6, 2012

Arch Nemesis Numero Uno.

Today I am grateful for Arch Nemesis Numero Uno.

yes, my son and I have an arch nemesis.

duh. you can't be a super hero without one.

Our arch nemesis just happens to be this lovely lady...

also know as Georgie.

Isn't she beautiful?

Don't I know it. Thats what makes her such a powerful arch enemy. her powers? cuteness. and manipulation.

But all kidding aside (no I'm not actually kidding, she really is an evil villain) I'm so absolutely grateful for her.

Georgiana falls into that awkward category of planned, but yet unplanned. The Marsh and I were already married and had our son. We absolutely planned on having more children. finding out that we were having another one when Brey was only 5 months old? that was just a little unexpected. but the best things in life are, right? I mean I always planned on falling in love one day...okay, so maybe I didn't, but when I met The Marsh it just happened anyway and I wouldn't take that back for anything. Just like I wouldn't take back Brey being the suprise that he was. or Georgie's overwhelming sense of timing.

I have to admit that when I found out i was pregnant again I really didn't have an opinion either way as to the sex of the baby. during my first pregnancy I knew without a doubt that I wanted a boy..after achieving that, i could admit to being perfectly happy having two sons. but also knowing how much The Marsh wanted a girl, well I certainly would have been happy with that too.

 and I am.

Because this little miss is the epitome of girl. Can't you tell? She loves pink. She actually told me last week that beautiful people like the color pink.

she's 3.

She loves her hair curly. she loves her hair straight. she loves pretty dresses and tea parties. and she loves her baby dolls and princesses. Now I myself was not in anyway shape or form a girly girl when I was little, but I certainly am now. I admit to enjoying myself a little too much when she sits in the bathroom with me watching me put on my make-up. she always asks for a little blush on her face. or maybe a little lip gloss. It's incredibly sweet. and those are the moments that i cherish more than everything. i'm so grateful for those beautiful little moments that all seem to pass too quickly.

They also seem to help make all of those "I'm about to go all evil villain on your ass" moments a little easier to handle. most of the time.

This weekend she was my big brave girl and decided she wanted to get her ears pierced. The Marsh has been really hesitant about allowing her to get it done. Something about making sure she actually wants it done. maybe she should wait until she's a teenager. he's such a boy. and a dad. but he finally relented.

She was perfect. a little shell shocked at first. It's hard to explain to a three year old exactly what is going to happen during the piercing process. but she took it like a champ. no tears. she's been really great about not playing with them. i'm so proud of her :0) my little lady.

So tonight I am grateful for her. or at least that's what I keep telling myself at 11:29 pm while I keep telling her to lay down and go to sleep and no she does not need anything to drink...

Thanks for reading!

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