Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Darwin. and all that jazz.

Today I am grateful for strong stomaches.

on both The Marsh and mine's part.

You see...The Marsh has a little problem with getting squigged out when it comes to blood. well, The Marsh actually has a problem with getting squigged out when it comes to alot of things. blood just happens to be one of them.

I'm built a little tougher than he is. but being married to him has started rubbing off on me. consider him the colorado river. and me the grand canyon. parts of him exist now where I used to be.

long story short. i tend to get squigged out now too.

but being parents you don't always get that option. especially when you have two toddlers who's favorite past time is beating the shit out of each other.

in today's episode of Captain BreyMan America ...(or was it Iron BreyMan?) Arch Nemesis Numero Uno (a.k.a. my not so sweet daughter) got the upper hand. and by got the upper hand, I mean she body slammed herself down on him. in the face. which caused immediate tooth through lip damage. and then lots of loud screaming. and blood.

oh yes. lots of blood.

I'm grateful The Marsh went into instant Daddy-Mode and just grabbed Brey and ushered him into the bathroom while I went into Mommy-mode and grabbed the ice. I was worried for a sec about The Marsh. Was he going to faint? please god no. he might hit his head. and then there would be even more blood to clean up.

.....moving on.

You want to know what the problem with two people who get squigged out easily reproducing is? they have babies that get squigged out too. (I know you are so in love with how many times I have used the word "squigged" by the way) Brey was doing okay, yelling and crying, but keeping it together for the most part. and then all the blood that had been pooling in his mouth proceeded to run all down his stomache. every see a 4 year old instantly turn hysterical? it would almost have been funny if I didn't feel so bad for the little dude.
We got him cleaned up and he seemed a little bit better. as long as he couldn't see the blood he wasn't quite as worked up.

He's fine, btw. Got a pretty little scab on his lip, and it's be fat in the morning. hell, it's fat now. but he'll be okay. he's was very proud of himself for still being able to give bed time kisses. cause he's all adorable like that.

so I'm grateful that my little man is okay. and i'm grateful that The Marsh and I seem to have been able to reach a mind over matter attitude when it comes to parenting. blood happens. there is no room for the weak. oh so i've been told. Darwin and all that jazz.

Thanks for reading!

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