Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dic Dot Com.

Today I am grateful for Dictionary.com


Because the older i get, the more freaking dumb i get. apparently.

I used to be such a good speller. I mean, I wasn't winning any spelling bees or anything. mostly because i was always that kid who needed to write down a word to be able to spell it. actually, i'm still that kid.

The longer i've been out of school, the more i feel basic stuff just slipping away. okay. so it really hasn't been THAT long since i've been out of school, but spelling words just seems so much harder now than it used to. and I can't even blame it on spell check for making my brain mush. because i HATE spell check. and don't turn it on. the squiggly red line makes me ANGRY. like the hulk.

When i'm at work and need help spelling a word, i break out the trusty dictionary. and then have to proceed to say the entire alphabet out loud in order to even begin looking for how to spell the word. but it makes me feel like i'm using my brain to accomplish something. when i'm at home? everything is dictionary.com. I must use it three to four times per every blog entry. well maybe not every one. but you get the idea. It's basically always open in an extra tab. like a little security blanket. or you know, a crutch. i enjoy it also because i hate it when i'm forced to use a different word than what i originally wanted to. because i can't spell it.

so today i am grateful to the awesome dictionary.com site for keeping this girl's spelling and vocabulary in check. i appreciate the ability to not look like an idiot.

does anyone else feel like their brain just doesn't work as well as it used to?

Thanks for reading!

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