Monday, May 14, 2012

Dig it!

Today I am grateful for my property.

ok, so that's kind of vague.

I guess I am grateful for owning this beautiful lot. so I can attempt to branch out in my green thumb department.

I suppose branching out isn't quite accurate. that implies some sort of base knowledge rooted by some sort of metaphorical tree. I guess what I am saying is I am attempting to plant that tree.

except instead of a tree I'll be planting a little vegetable garden.

you see in the above picture, all those little yellow daffadils on the bottom left? well, I had the great pleasure of ripping them out a few weeks ago. yes. i know most people don't get excited about ripping up pretty yellow flowers. I think at this point we've established that i'm not most people.

I'm grateful that by owning our own property and having plenty of it, The Marsh has agreed to let me proceed foward with this little garden experiment. He seems to think that he's a world class garden grower. I would say we'll see, but I haven't quite decided if I am going to let him near my garden yet. it is MY metaphorical tree. and attempting to garden is one of those life skills i really want to master. I want to grow my own veggies. I want the babes to be able to grab a few string beans on the go for a snack and it gives me some peace to know where they came from. Don't get me wrong. I'm certainly not a crazy oganic fanatic. I respect people who are, but it's just not for me. not to mention my frugal husband would never spend five dollars on a tomato. ever. but there is just something reassuring about the babes snacking on food from a garden that I planted. There's also a certain happiness or contentedness i'm hoping to feel with gardening. the same feeling I get after I've cleaned the house. or gone on a run. or practiced yoga. Today I was outside tilling up the soil and pulling more weeds in anticipation of planting in the next coming weekends. there was a sort of zen that came with finishing.

I am, however, glad that no one was there to witness the actual act of said tilling and weeding. the one set back in this whole gardening thing is that i don't particularly care for dirt....or bugs...I know. I know. not exactly ideal for gardening. but I'm working on it. maybe this whole thing will teach me some patience. or maybe it will be great anger management. no one needs to know the crazy that takes over when I come across a worm. but eveyone should be forewarned not to ever jump me when I'm holding a spade. fyi.

so today I am grateful for this new challenge I am about to undertake. and I'm grateful for this wonderful little piece of property The Marsh has bought for me, so that I can continue my personal growth. here's hoping i don't manage to kill my metaphorical tree.

Thanks for reading!

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