Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Whirlwinds and Candy Bracelets.

Today I am grateful for the short visit my mother-in-law paid us this evening.

My children always go a little bit crazy when my mother-in-law is here.

and I don't even mind.

because she is usually the one dealing with the crazy.

The visit started out with my babes showing off their impressive gymnastic skills. Breyman was hoping on one foot and Georgie was doing flips while simultaneously telling me she needs applause to live. Well, what she actually said was "Mommy, clap for me!" for about 7 minutes straight. which sounds alot like "I need applause to live". my hands are still sore. or maybe even still clapping.

Then The Marsh gets the bright idea to tell Breyman to be a whirlwind. or as normal people I like to call it, a tornado. although Breyman calls it a whirlwind because that's what his disney junior computer games call it. so anyway, Breyman starts spinning around in circles. and spinning. and spinning. which then started Georgie spinning. and spinning. That somehow morphed in running around in circles. for another 10 minutes straight.

all the while I was thinking about how grateful I was for that moment. because my babes were gonna be TIRED. and today I am tired. and ready for bed. I actually slept last night. but I kept dreaming about not being able to sleep. so even though I was getting rest, I didn't feel rested. I felt like I had been awake all night. because I dreampt it. Make sense? Anyone? Bueller?

and right as I was about to do a mental happy dance and mini prayer to the God of exhausted toddlers the babes discovered something.
The killer of hope.

The candy bracelets that my mother-in-law had also brought with her on this short visit. I suppose I could have said no. but they were straight up 1991. so I had to let my babes experience the awesomeness. After my mother-in-law left, I had to try and convince Breyman and Georgie that cool kids get high off sleep and not sugar. and it seems to have been somewhat successful because I can't hear any noise coming from down the hall where The Marsh is reading a bed time story to them. so they must be all tuckered out and ready for bed. Either that or they popped a cap in Dad and are coming after me and my sugar next.

Lets hope it's the former. I don't think The Marsh would look very good with a cap in him.

Thanks for reading!

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