Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow.

Today I am grateful for... Tomorrow.

Daddy Warbucks is gonna be pissed.

I promise my outlook on tomorrow is, in fact, more optimistic than this picture implies. I just think it's funny.

Why am I so grateful for tomorrow? Well, it started out pretty harmless. I asked The Marsh his opinion on what I should write about tonight and some how we ended up having a long discussion about life insurance. It's actually way more complicated than just life insurance but I'll spare you the details. I wish I could have spared myself.

This inevidebly leads to a discussion about the future. And what exactly happens in the future?

Our parents get older.

Our parents pass away.

It's a discussion NO ONE ever wants to have. Because, hey, why think about it when you don't have to yet? But it's always there in the back of your mind because eventually everyone dies.

Depressed yet? Aren't you so glad you stopped by to read today?

Yea. It made me depressed too. In wrapping up our conversation The Marsh says "So have you figured out what you're grateful for yet?"

If looks could kill, he would be a dead man walking. "No. Now I'm just depressed."

And The Marsh says "Be grateful that you'll go to bed feeling a little depressed tonight, but will wake up feeling better tomorrow because you'll still be healthy. you don't live in poverty. you're children will still love you. and so will I."

Now you see why I married him?

So tonight after my depressing conversation with my husband I am going to crawl into bed tonight and sleep away these negative feelings. and be so grateful that tomorrow is a new day. filled with happy conversations, my babies' laughter, yoga with my sister, and kisses from The Marsh. 

Oh, and maybe a little Sun. 

Thanks for reading!

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