Thursday, February 2, 2012

Everybody loves Thursdays!

Today I am grateful for Thursdays.

At my house, "everyone loves thursdays" is..well, I wouldn't quite call it a motto. But it's pretty close.

You see, on Thursdays my children spent the night out. Most of the time they spend the night at my mother-in-law's. Sometimes, they end up at my mother's house, but mostly it's at my in-law's. The reason behind this is because The Marsh and I both have to be up early in the morning on Fridays to work. For awhile The Marsh used to drop the babies off  at my mom's and his mom's on Friday mornings, but it really was a pain...

..having to wake the babies up so early.
...expecting one or both of our parents to be awake so early on their days off.
...trying to get to work on time after dropping off the kids at two different locations.
Please. It gets old. So my kids starting staying the night at their grandparents. And now we say "Everybody loves Thursdays!" Why? Because my babies are super excited about getting away from Mom and Dad for a night. Going to bed later than usual? check. Eating things mommy most likely won't give them really late at night? check. Its a win situation for them.

And, yes. It's a win situation for me. Sometimes after they leave I just stand in my living room AMAZED at how quiet it is. If they are at my mother-in-law's house I usually end up at my mom's. Laughing. Drinking some wine. All the while not worrying about where my kids are. Are they are killing each other? or drinking poison? My husband works later than usual on Thursdays, but he's still home in time to have dinner together. or watch a movie.

It's only a couple hours together before bed, because like I said, we both have to be up early for work the next day. But it's dedicated alone time together. To catch up on the week. To cuddle. To eat food that is bad for us and talk about all the people that we wish would fall off a cliff. You know, Husband and Wife stuff. And I'm grateful for that time. Every. single. week.

I am grateful that I spent the first half of this night drinking really cheap and kind of gross pink moscato with my mom and brother. and I'm grateful that I'm spending the rest of the night eating frozen pizza and watching a Russel Crowe movie with The Marsh. at this very moment, life is so very very good.

Thanks for reading!

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