Friday, February 17, 2012

My Personal Squint.

Today I am grateful for my third baby.

The cutest little kitty there ever was

His name is Temperence, after my favorite squint. and if you don't know what any of that means I'm not sure we can still be friends. sorry.

We got Tempe, as we like to call him, in June of 2010. Isn't he adorable? After buying our house I knew I wanted to get a cat and the babes were at an old enough age that I hoped they wouldn't kill terrorize one too much. One of the ladies at work had a mama cat who recently had a litter of little maine coon kittens and I convinced The Marsh to let us get one.

His condition? The cat had to be female......

Yup. and the vet who did Temperence's first visit confirmed that this little cutie was a girl kitten. perfect. We gave her a cute female name and a pink blanket to sleep with and made her a part of the family.

except you probably noticed that the first half of this post I refer to Tempe as "him". you're not crazy.

That's because Temperence IS a male. He went through two more vet appointments with no one ever looking close enough or bothering to question what his actual sex was. And because he has such long hair and I wasn't looking to closely between his legs we all just kept up with the assumption that he was a girl. And then about 7 months after we brought him home I made an appointment to get "her" spade so "she" could go outside without getting pregnant. I got a call from the vets office 20 minutes later and was then informed that "she" was a he and he would be getting neutered instead.


Well my babes were already attached to his name, so we couldnt change it. and half of the time we call him she. but I love him anyway.

He is so good with my children. I know he doesn't know any different because they have been snuggling with him since he was just a kitten but I've never even seen him bat a paw at one of them. They smoosh him and carry him around and chase him all around the house. I wouldn't go so far as to say he loves it. but he doesn't let it bother him.

Ok so maybe he doesn't look too impressed...

but sharing cheerios helps.

The funniest part about Temperence is that The Marsh has a seriously love/hate relationship with this cat. Why is this funny? Because The Marsh is a cat person. and I'm not. I was always a dog person. The Marsh has never even had a dog. And while I've always had both cats and dogs, I always preferred the latter. But this kitty has become all mine. The Marsh is always grumbling about the cat and how he jumps on the table and the counter and sleeps in the fresh laundry basket. I'm the one trying to move him out of the laundry basket without waking him up. Temperence is very aware of The Marsh's feelings toward him as well. I swear to God Tempe pisses him off on purpose. He's laughing on the inside with every new cuss.

My personal favorite thing about the love/hate Tempe-The Marsh relationship is that Tempe won't come inside when The Marsh calls to him. Now, if The Marsh had his way he would just leave Tempe outside all night anyway. But then I would make him sleep on the couch. So he goes out and hollers and nothing happens. So I walk out and say "Tempe, come on, inside." Temperence, who has been hiding right underneath the stairs and deliberately ignoring The Marsh immediately jumps up and comes inside. It cracks me up.

exchange this chick out for The Marsh and this is them.

Temperence is my family's first pet so that makes him extra special. He always wants to snuggle with me and greets me when I come home. He's basically a dog in a cat's body. And Today I am grateful for him because he stopped to give me a kiss before running outside to play. Sometimes thats more than I get from my real children. Oh and that adorable little baby kitty?

I'm just fluffy..thats it...

He's not quite so little anymore. I'm going to go now, before I turn into a crazy cat lady.

Thanks for reading!

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