Monday, February 13, 2012

I hate technology.

Today I am grateful for my camera usb cable.

or actually I'm grateful that I finally found my camera usb cable.

Its amazing how this wire controls my life.

YAY! This bad boy has been missing since right after my family came back from Florida. In December. You know where I found it? In my husband's suitcase. Which would make sense, because I haven't seen it since around the time we got back. What doesn't make sense? I used it to upload all my vacation pictures when we got home. So at some point it was unpacked. How did it get re-packed? No. Freaking. Clue.

I blame them.

I don't actually hate technology. I usually appreciate it. I just hate how dependent on it I've become. You see after uploading my pictures in december, then taking all the pictures at christmas time, my camera died. of course. and when I went to charge it? cable missing. This means I haven't been able to use my camera since late december. It is now mid-february.

Not only have I not been able to take any recent photos, I also haven't been able to even upload my christmas photos! Like these!

A Lightning McQueen Car!

A Princess Car!

Yes my children both got cars for christmas. Yes this keeps me up at night with visions of a similar christmas in.. oh about 12 or 13 years. EEK!

I also get to remember how super adorable my son looked on christmas...

This also keeps me awake with visions of him in 12 or 13 years

and how excited my daughter was because she really understood and enjoyed what christmas was this year..
Look! Santa brought me this! was a frequent expression

What other goodies came from this amazing discovery?

The look on my brother's face when he saw his christmas presents were wrapped in Justin Bieber wrapping paper.


and the picture The Marsh and I took on his last day of vacation. He knows how much I love his beard. This was taken about 45 seconds before it was gone again.

But mostly I'm just so grateful to be able to take pictures again. of special moments. or even everyday normal moments. Like dinner time tonight.

mmmm macaroni and cheese, mom!

It's capturing those little moments to keep forever that I cherish. Because even with my babes only being 4 and 3, I can feel how quickly time is moving. They'll only be this little for so long. and I want to take as many pictures of them as I can.

To help get me through those moments when they're 16 and know everything and I wish I had just had dogs instead.

Thanks for reading!

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