Thursday, February 16, 2012

Just Breathe.

Today I am grateful for patience.

kind of.

Today was one of those days. Not a bad day really. just long.

Between laundry and dishes and picking up the house every other second was filled with my children trying to piss the other one off. They're 4 and 3. This is normal. They're each other's best friend and worst enemy all rolled up into two tiny little cute red headed packages.

It's adorable. Most days.

But today it was just exhausting. My daughter kept stealing all of my son's toys. Everytime he picked up a new toy there she was snatching it away yelling "I want to play with that!" and getting super pissed when he said no. Of course, he didn't just take it from her. He generally punched her or pushed her or did whatever it took to get the message across. "Leave me alone". Which made her yell. and made him yell. and then made Mama yell.

and around and around we went. all. day. long.

and I kept telling myself  "Just Breathe."

Things could be so much worse.

So I did my best to be patient. as patient as I ever get. and prevented them from killing or seriously wounding one another until my mom got here to take my beautiful children to her house for the night. YAY MOM!

So today I'm grateful that my biggest problem is having two screaming children. and I'm grateful that I have a small amount of patience that allows me to handle it without going fucking crazy. Lets hope it's enough to last over the next 20 years.

Thanks for reading!

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