Wednesday, June 13, 2012

15 years or so...

Why am I always grateful that one of my children hasn't managed to seriously maim the other one?

I mean, come on.

I'm starting to feel bad for everything my brother and i put my mother through.

because this is just ridiculous.

the biting. the pinching and punching. the stabbing with bamboo skewers.

if they make it to adulthood without killing each other i'll be amazed.

Tonight's latest mishap? Oh you know, Breyman gets pissy that G is following him around. like any normal big brother. but this time, when she follows him up onto the couch, brey gets the bright idea to grab the bottom of her legs and pull them out from under her. Of course, this wouldn't have been quite so bad, if G had fallen back onto the couch. but because we talking about my children, she didn't land of the couch. she completely fell off of it and landed on her back on the ground. HARD. not only was the wind knocked out of you. she has an incredibly awful looking rug burn on her back. it wasn't fun.

normally there is a bit of crying and then the two of them make up. not tonight. tonight there was alot of crying. and G made sure Brey knew that he "wasn't very nice." she even went so far as to tell him she didn't like him even more. which horrified The Marsh and I. and then we all had to sit down and have some serious conversations about loving our siblings unconditionally. it was like freaking dr. phil up in the joint.

she seems to be doing better now. and they appear to have made up for the most part. but the two of them doing this to each other all the time is so exhausting. not to mention hard on the heart. i'm always on edge wondering exactly how hurt one of them is until the screaming stops and i can assess the situation.

but since it doesn't seem to be going away anytime soon. all i can do is hope that they don't inflict too much damage on each other. and be grateful that in about 15 years or so the worst will be over.


Thanks for reading!

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