Sunday, June 10, 2012

Adventurous.... What's that?

Today I am grateful for my adventurous side.

You know, that side of you that tells you to jump when you don't want to or drink something that maybe you shouldn't. it can also convince you to maybe eat something you normally wouldn't eat.

let me let you in on a little secret.

I'm not that adventurous when it comes to food. at all. My good friend Wendy's favorite quote of mine is when I told her I wouldn't eat quiche because I didn't like the way it was spelled. I wasn't joking.

BUT. On this day, i was willing to break out of my shell. just a little.

remember last night when I posted that The Marsh would be eating steamed clams today for his birthday? and that I find them so repulsive that he isn't even allowed to eat them at my house?

yea. so I tried one.

I wasn't exactly thrilled about trying one. but The Marsh really wanted me to. and I can only deny the man so much. (like the piece of fried haddock and the lobster stew, both of which WERE NOT HAPPENING) So I agreed. but i was not going to eat the neck, and I couldn't watch. I literally had to close my eyes and have him put the clam in my mouth. I'm not going to say it was the most disgusting thing I have ever eaten. but i certainly wouldn't call it good. the point, however, of trying the clam wasn't even to see if i would like it. the point was to make The Marsh happy on his birthday.

I knew he was happy that i tried it. and then 3 hours later he randomly kissed me and told me how happy he was that i tried the clam. so tonight I'm grateful for that little tiny adventurous side of me that allowed me to play the mind over matter game with seafood so i could see him be so happy.

If only ever thing else in life was so easy.

okay. so i wouldn't say easy. but temporary at least.

Thanks for reading!

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