Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Aloe Vera.

Today I am grateful for Aloe Vera.


because being a redhead in the summer sucks. thats why.

It was like 90 degrees here today. which was nice, a pleasant way to kick off the summer in fact. but my skin doesn't agree. I thought it would be nice to sit outside in the sunshine all afternoon. enjoy it. get away from my computer and the tv and everything else inside. breathe some fresh air. whatever it is that people who get excited about the outside do.

now I wasn't silly. I knew my skin would reject the idea. I'm a redhead. I've gotten used to it. and i have red-headed children. it's like raising a family of vampires. but they don't sparkle, they get skin cancer. so we use sun screen. alot of sun screen. I must have put it on four times this afternoon. and i still managed to get a freaking sun burn. damn it.

so tonight I am covering these burns in some aloe vera in hopes of it providing some relief. it's helping a little. I'm hoping it will help alot. I thought maybe being grateful for it tonight on my blog would speed up the process a bit.

but if not, i can always be grateful for my sunburn. maybe it will make me cold tonight. and then i might actually be able to sleep.

okay i lied. it being 90 degrees here isn't nice. is it winter again yet?

thanks for reading!

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