Thursday, June 14, 2012


Today I am grateful for my husband's inability to "name that artist."

this was a game my dad and i always played while i was growing up.

whenever a song came on the radio my dad would always say "who sings this?" The goal? to always know the answer. and i've reached a point where I do pretty well. and it's just become habit to ask everyone else the same question.

i learned early on into my relationship with The Marsh that he is very bad at this game.

and he almost always answers with "Foreigner?"

apparently every band to ever emerge in the 80s sounds like Foreigner to my husband.

Somedays it's funny. somedays it's frustrating. and other days it's just kind of sad. i mean seriously, who confuses STYX and INXS? The Marsh, thats who.

But today? Today i am grateful for his silly lack of music knowledge because even when i want to be mad at him, i just can't help but laugh at him. I've been more or less "angry" with The Marsh for most of today. More mad at myself at times, but he's an easy outlet sometimes. and on the car ride home tonight he was really pushing it. deliberatly poking the mama bear with a stick you might say. so he may or may not have got smacked. possibly. and his response to this maybe smack might have been "It hurts so good..." which might have been mildly irritating until he said "that's right, busting out the Bruce Springs...."

he didn't even have a chance to finish before he got smacked again.

but i did laugh.

and i did immediately feel better.

so tonight i'm grateful that his lack of music knowledged knocked me out of my funk. and helped me remember one of the thousand or so reasons why i love him.

thanks for reading!

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