Thursday, June 28, 2012

Movie Marathons.

Today I am grateful for mini-movie marathons.

they don't get to happen at this house very often.


movie marathons that don't consist of Dora the Explorer, Super Hero Squad, or The Wonder Pets don't get to happen around here very often.

at all.

The Marsh and I try to watch movies together on occasion. sometimes if the movie isn't rated too bad we can watch it in the evening when the babes are playing. sometimes we know it's something they shouldn't watch so we wait for them to go to bed.

This would be fine if our kids went to bed at the time normal toddlers went to bed, at say 8:00pm or so. But my kids stay up until 9:30 ish. and then between going potty and brushing their teeth and getting a bedtime story's more like 10:15ish before The Marsh and I can even think about starting a movie. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining about my kids bedtimes. if I wanted them to get in bed earlier I would make it happen. but seeing how I stay at home most days with them, i would prefer it if they didn't wake up at 6:00am. which is exactly what would happen if they went to be early. I would rather they went to bed a little bit later and slept until 8:00am any day of the week. but it does make starting a movie hard to do when The Marsh has to get up early in the morning for work.

even worse is that The Marsh and I like to watch TV series that we get on disks through netflix sometimes. and if there are only two episodes on a disk that's not so bad. but sometimes there are 3! and that movie marathon just ain't happening that late at night. Oh I know what you're thinking..why not just watch the episodes on different days? well, have you ever seen True Blood? That show ALWAYS ends on a cliff hanger. ALWAYS. and when you know that you can just click a little button and get the next episode, you do it. it's fucking addicting.

Last night The Marsh and I were too tired to keep pressing next episode, however, and ended up having once episode left on one disk. well, we also happened to get the next disk in the mail today with an additional 3 episodes. AHHH. so many to watch.

BUT!!! today is thursday. and everyone loves thursdays! so after getting the babes dropped off at my mom's for the night, we came home, made some dinner, and popped it the movies. Four episodes and three brandies later, things are pretty awesome in this house. I can't believe we managed to watch four episodes in one night! at we were done by 11:00pm! MADNESS!!

I'm grateful that The Marsh didn't have to work late tonight so this was possible. and I'm grateful for all the fun and laughter that came with this movie marathon. The Marsh and I haven't been able to see each other a whole lot lately, so this was more than just a movie marathon for us, it was taking a few hours to spend time together that didn't consist of cleaning, or laundry, or shopping, or paying bills. and I'm always grateful for a few hours of down time with my husband.

I'm also always grateful for a few hours of watching Alexander Skarsgard and Stephen Moyer..if you know what i mean.

Thanks for reading!

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