Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Today I am grateful to the universe.

for saying "hey alana, why don't you work a few more minutes later into lunch than usual today?"

and I'm grateful I listened.

and by doing so I avoided being in a situation I didn't really want to be in.

by seeing someone i didn't really want to see.

I suppose If i hadn't listened to the universe and went to lunch at my normal time and ran into this certain someone, it would have been okay. I mean, it's that tiny immature part of me that's grateful. that part of me that says "i hate you" about someone when you don't really have much of a reason to hate them. that part of me that says "i want you so far the fuck away from me and my family we can't even remember your name or what you look like" even though I've won this game.


like i said. slightly immature.

but, because I felt the need to wait 15 minutes longer than I normally do for WHATEVER reason today, i didn't see this person. so there really isn't any need to keep talking about it.

other than to say Thanks Universe, for having my back.

Thanks for reading!

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