Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Yes. We've already established I'm a Geek.

Today I am grateful for a gift.

That I was actually given a couple weeks ago now.

It's shameful really that I am just now getting around to blogging it.

I'm such a bad sister.

A couple weeks ago my lil' sister, Emily, gave me a t-shirt as her way of saying Thank You for hosting her graduation party. it was completely sweet of her because I in no way expected anything from her for it. I was happy to give her a wonderful graduation day. after all you only graduate from high school once, right?

but, I'm not going to lie, I really love my gift. there wasn't even a moment of "you shouldn't have..." because seriously, I needed this t-shirt in my life. So what exactly is so awesome about this shirt you ask?

Isn't it beautiful?

The shirts are holding hands! My life is complete.

I love it.

Today I finally upcycled it into a racerback tank so it's even more amazing! and yes, my sister knew I was going to do this, so I didn't just start cutting up her gift like a crazy person. I was just improving on it's awesomness. I'm hoping that the power of Kirk's flying leg kicks and Mr. Spock's laser focus will help me out with my yoga. cause if there is anybody I want to help me with my workouts it's them. okay so maybe it might also be Legolas. don't judge.

of course instead of taking my new upcycled shirt for a yoga test drive I sat on my deck with my nook, some music, and a glass of wine.

I'm grateful for that too. :0)

Thanks for reading!

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