Saturday, July 21, 2012

Hulk Smash.

Did you ever have one of THOSE days.

you know those days. when everything just kind of pisses you off for no apparent reason. and not just a little bit. but a lot?

I feel like that has been my day today.

on repeat. like i've lived this day of horrible pissiness 10 times over. it's the freaking Groundhog Day of be being pissed.

and I honestly can't even begin to describe it. is the moon too close to the earth or something? something crazy about the tides? god knows. but let me just give you a tiny summary.

I woke up.


I was angry that my living room was a wreck. and that the dishes needed to be washed.

and my kids's bedroom needed to be cleaned like woah. and then i got angry anytime my kids even so much as breathed in my general direction while cleaning said room.

and I broke three freaking fingernails after OF COURSE just thinking to myself how awesome they were actually doing for once.

and then i got on facebook and was crazy pissed at all the people who are taking this horrible tragedy that happened in Colorado and turning it into a political circus.

and then my mother's consevative father called me closed minded. CLOSED MINDED! I have been called alot of things in my life. but i believe that was a first. so naturally, that made me angry too. I had to walk away. before i turned into a giant green rage monster.

and then i was angry because i was doing dishes. and anyone ever actually happy about doing the dishes? that should be sort of like a freebie. because dishes just make people angry in general. but of course in the middle of doing dishes Miss G wanted a drink. and she wanted Sunny D. and then was like "MOM! I said i wanted apple juice!" in her completely annoyed three year old voice.

i have no idea where she gets that from.

AND The Marsh left the rest of his chinese food on the counter last night. so I had to throw that away. which wouldn't make me angry (I don't even really like chinese food that much) but I was all paranoid that he would be angry that I threw it away. and got my self all worked up about that. by the time he got home i was all in a state like "if he says one word about that freaking chinese food I am going to throw a shoe at him!" execpt not because I had just picked up all the shoes from my living if one ended up in said living room again to be handy i would have been pissed. AGAIN. and of course, he didn't even mention is so it was all a moot point anyway.

and things seemed to finally even out. and i had a dr. pepper float. we've already established that helps.

but of course The Marsh is working a double tomorrow. so he decided to catch up on his sleep this evening. which in truth i wasn't really bothered by. even when I ended up pissed off again because the children tried to destroy their bedroom after i spent all afternoon cleaning it. BUT when he woke up he may or may not have found an entire roll of toilet paper in the sink curtesy of the babes. and he was all like "guys, i know i took a nap but that's not an excuse to make the house a mess!"

and there i was.

back at the begining.

because if my motherfucking house managed to stay mess free when that man was awake...i wouldn't have woken up so pissed off this morning.

but thanks babe, for all the cleaning you do. IN YOUR MIND!

and to make my life so much better, i have been sitting here slightly freaked out by the fact that my cat is sitting in the window staring out at something. and now i can smell the freaking skunk smell making it's way in.


so you know what i'm grateful for today?


I'm grateful that i have one to look forward to. and I'm grateful that even being completely pissed off all day my life seriously isn't that bad. but right now I just want to be angry.

It's my blog and i'll be angry if i want to.

but hopefully tomorrow I'll be better.


Thanks for reading!

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