Thursday, July 5, 2012

Some Like it Hot.

Today I am grateful for salsa.

but not just any salsa...Kelly's Salsa.

Kelly is a lady with whom I work with. She's incredibly funny, a hard worker, and just an overall wonderful person. She's the kind of co-worker you wish all your other co-workers were like.  so i guess, I'm not just grateful for salsa, I'm grateful for Kelly as well. Just for being her. of the many talents that Kelly has is her salsa making skills.

I can't even begin to describe to you how awesome her salsa is. or how much i love it. juts know that it's alot. and I've been in love with it for YEARS. my mom has worked with Kelly for a very long time, so I've had the benefit of getting some of her salsa on occasion for years. it's always the greatest of treats.

Last week or the week before, Miss Kelly brought in some salsa for the office to munch on as a way of cleaning out her stock before making some new batches with this years tomatoes. I wasn't lucky enough to be there that day because I only work two days a week. But that kelly, she's awesome. She knows how much i enjoy the hotter salsa that she makes and she felt bad that I wouldn't be getting any. So when I came into work on friday morning, there wrapped in a bag waiting on my mom's desk with my name on it was a whole jar of salsa. just for me. I suppose it's silly to get that excited about salsa, but it was a gift. and i think it's always nice to receive a gift from someone who's taking you into consideration. so excitement was definately warranted.

so why am i so grateful for a gift i received a week or two ago? because I have just now gotten around to trying some tonight. I haven't had any tortilla chips in my house and tonight when I went grocery shopping I made a point to pick some up with the sole purpose of eating that salsa tonight. I would have actually eaten it by itself, but it really is on the warmer side..and while i enjoy the hottness immensely with chips, i don't think i could eat it by itself. not without a giant glass of milk anyway. and salsa really is meant to be enjoyed as condiment. not a main dish. it was absolutely fabulous by the way. i enjoyed every bite.

so tonight i'm grateful for some awesome salsa. because everyone should always be grateful for a nice gift.

Thanks for reading!

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