Monday, July 16, 2012

Little Miracles.

Today I am grateful for little miracles.

sometimes the world we live in seems so hopeless. and unfair.

I created this blog to help me remember to be grateful for all the wonderful things that I have in my life when things seems a little bit tougher than usual.

but even being grateful for something everyday doesn't stop the hurt when someone you love is going through something that you know is killing them a little bit, whether literally or figuratively, on the inside.

and in those moments of hurt all i can do is tell those people that i love them.

be extremely grateful for what i have in my own life.

and pray that maybe God (or whomever is out there listening) knows that some people really do deserve little miracles.

Cue our amazing best friends Warren and Wendy.

In my previous post about how amazing they are I mentioned that we spent the night with them after a particularly emotional week, but i didn't go into any detail. and while i still don't plan on sharing all of their personal trials with all of my readers, i want to give you a little back story...just so you can appreciate my level of gratitude at this very moment.

Warren and Wendy have been trying to have a baby.

for many years.

and yet, they still don't have one.

it's been heartbreaking. and emotional. and i've never wished for anything more for anyone in my life then i have wished for them to have a baby.

after years of trying to have their own they decided to possibly foster. and took in the most adorable little girl name Jade. She pretty much became the light of their lives. They had so much love to give this little three year old girl, and you could see how much Jade loved them back. and right when everything looked perfect, all the stars had aligned for them to adopt this little girl....her mother got her parental rights back. and then they didn't have beautiful Jade with them anymore.

They talked about invitro. they were still seeing Jade on the weekends but it got to be too much. and then finally all within the same week they decided enough was enough. no invitro. no more seeing jade. just enough. (maybe "emotional week" is a bit of an understatement) Ladies and Gentlemen, this is what no hope looks like.

and that's when miracles happen.

On friday afternoon Wendy got a call from DHHS. and they told her that Jade's mom's rights were being terminated. and they wanted Warren and Wendy to come pick up Jade so that they could take her home and adopt her.

amazing, right?

Oh it gets better. Jade also has a little sister who is six months old. and they asked if Warren and Wendy would be willing to adopt the baby as well.

Just when I start to think about how unfair life is...something like this happens and reminds me how amazing and wonderful this world really can be.

This isn't going to be a cake walk for them. They did just inherit two little girls, one of them a BABY overnight. it's going to be a huge adjustment. and let's just say that the mom didn't exactly go quietly into the night. the fact that Warren and Wendy even managed to get the girls from her is a miracle in itself. I'm sure that unfortunately there is going to be a constant battle there.

But tonight i don't want to think about all the "what ifs" or how hard this journey is going to be for them. I want to think about how absolutely amazing it is that they even have the chance to go on this journey at all.

and I am grateful for their little miracles.

Thanks for reading!

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