Monday, April 30, 2012

Build Me Up, Buttercup.

Today I am grateful for progress.

Progress on building our swingset. finally.

Let's back track a little bit...when we first bought our house, The Marsh and I were so stoked about having a great big yard for B & G to run around and play on, that we went out and bought a swingset. a very big swingset. We put together the climbing wall attachment. and the mini-sized picinic table. then we got the basic frame put together so the kids could at least use it to swing.

It's kind of hard to tell here from this picture, but to the right of the babes there is only a frame and a basic flat platform up in the air. nothing spectacular. just the basics.

and it's been that way since 2010.

yup. we're procrastinators around here.

but today! PROGRESS!

My awesome brother came over today and helped The Marsh add to the madness. You see that empty platform is actually suppose to be a cape cod style playhouse.

yea. there is a reason why it hasn't been worked on. it's awesome. but just a tad complicated.

However, there are now several more support beams, an entire front wall, and a bay window up on top of that platform. It's not finished yet, there is still all the siding and the entire roof to be put on. but it's definately an improvement. it's actually beginning to look like a playhouse. We paid my brother in pizza and alcohol for his help today. as is expected and the social norm when helping someone put something together. or when helping move.

The babes are definately excited by the progress. and I'm excited at the prospect of getting all of the swingset pieces out of my garage. so it's a win all around. and i'm always grateful for a win.

Thanks for reading!

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