Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter.

Today I am grateful for Easter.

B & G say Happy Easter Everyone! (aren't they the cutest little things you've ever seen?)

Today was a wonderful day filled with fun and family. and really, that's what Easter is about.

Ok, so I guess there is some bit about Jesus in there too...but it's hard to celebrate Jesus when your babies just want to celebrate the Easter Bunny.

Moving along.

I spent the day with my ENTIRE family today. It was wonderful. It didn't happen all together or anything. The Marsh had to work all day so My older sister, Steph, and her daughter joined the babes and me for a car ride to our grandmother's farm. We met up with my parents and the rest of my siblings there. My little cousin Jess was there too! She's adorable. I don't get to see her often enough, so it was a nice little visit. The children, however, were only concerned with one thing.

Just riding this horse bareback, Mom, no biggie.

The Horses.

Well the girls anyway. All my son was concerned about was making sure he found more easter eggs than the girls. Leave no egg left behind. that was his motto.

After a nice little visit with my family, we headed home. Soon enough The Marsh was finally home as well and we gave the kids their Easter presents. they were very excited. it was adorable. I tell you what, this age may be challenging, but I'm certainly going to miss it. They're so fun during holidays right now, they get so excited about everything. you can't help but be happy. and I'm always down with being happy.

After giving the babes their stuff we headed over to my in-laws house for dinner and for the babes to get MORE presents. They certainly cleaned up this Easter. Tonight while putting G to bed she got all excited and said that Christmas was coming and Santa was going to bring her presents. she's an optimist. Dinner with my in-laws is always nice. and after the rough beginning to the year, I'm grateful for another Easter without any empty seats.

I hope everyone else had a wonderful Easter too!

Oh, and I'm grateful for mashed potatoes. and if you're not, we're no longer on speaking terms.

Thanks for reading!

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