Saturday, April 21, 2012

She Sleeps.

Tonight I am grateful that she sleeps.

She being Arch Nemesis Numero Uno.

A.K.A. Miss G.

Why yes, I can control you with my cuteness.

Why am I grateful that she is currently passed out down the hall?

because her pink blanket is M.I.A. and she ALWAYS sleeps with her pink blanket. when she wakes up in the morning, she carries it into my bedroom with her to wake me up. she takes it into the living room and watches her first cartoon of the morning with it. She makes forts with it through out the day. she hides under it when she's mad at me for...whatever. are you getting the picture here? It's an extra appendage. She's reached the point where she doesn't need it when she's away from home. But when she's here, in her bed. it's like WWIII when doesn't have her blanket.

and I looked everywhere. and my house isn't that big, people. I even searched all the extra places she likes to hide it. the hall closet. the pantry. the cubboard that holds my pots and pans. and then I asked the dreaded question, "did you take it outside?" and in her teeny tiny little voice she hesitantly said "yes".

Can I tell you a "not so secret" secret. I do not like the dark. at all. in fact, I'm terrified of the freaking dark. but there i was wondering around my very large front yard that is just conveniently surrounded by lots of dark and equally scary woods. not my idea of a good time. and you know the worst part? I didn't even find the thing!

so I officially have given up for the evening. luckily, so has she. I'm hoping maybe in the full daylight it'll turn up. Actually, I'm praying in the full daylight it will turn up. although I'm sure it probably will. it always does. usually in the dumbest most obviously place ever. here's hoping right?

as for now, she's made it through one night without it. I really don't want to face her wrath if we have to go for a night number 2. wish me luck

Thanks for reading!

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