Saturday, April 14, 2012


Today I am grateful for fire.

Ok, so I'm not actually grateful for fire. but I thought it might be fun to say I was.

although it kind of makes me sound like a pyromaniac.....

there are worst things to be called I guess.

moving along. per usual.

What I'm actually grateful for is the socialness (yes, I am making that a word) that comes with a campfire. I mean, who doesn't love a campfire? I'm seriously not an "outdoor" kind of girl. My sister and I have a running joke that my idea of camping is a three star hotel. but I love campfires.

or maybe I'll call them yard fires. is it still a campfire if it's not at camp?

Wow. get to the freaking point, right? WELL! Tonight was the first camp fire of the spring/summer/fall season at our house. YAY! My oldest sister is spending the weekend at my house and my brother came over as well. We grilled up some hot dogs for dinner, then got the fire started. A couple of lawn chairs. my ihome for some music. a few blankets. It was nice.

I love that after all the years of trying to find the balance between friendship and utter hatred (like most typical siblings growing up) we've all settled into a very comfortable friendship. My siblings are my closest friends. I have the most fun with them. and laugh so hard with them. or you know, at them. I'm grateful that my mother, who was an only child, decided that she never wanted her children to experience that kind of loneliness. She assured us friends for life.

all aboard the crazy train...

and nothing is more fun than sitting around a campfire all together. especially when my brother, who is not a little man, flips his shit because a spider is crawling on his arm. I'm sorry to say I missed it. but my sister assures me it was hilarious.

So tonight I'm grateful to have so many siblings. whom I love so very dearly. and I'm grateful for the campfire. for giving us yet another excuse to get together.

and maybe be pyromaniacs.

Thanks for reading!

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