Sunday, April 22, 2012

Little Moments.

Today I am grateful for one single moment.

It wasn't necessarily an overwhelming moment.

It was just a moment.

You see, ever since starting this blog I find myself thinking thoughout the day "what am I grateful for?" sometimes I know right away. and sometimes it comes late at night. sometimes it's overwhelming. and sometimes it's silly. today it was just one quiet little special moment. so ordinary. but then I thought "right now, I am so grateful for this.." and suddenly that moment changed from ordinary to extraordinary.

The babes and I were in the car taking a sunday morning drive up to Sams Club. The Marsh wasn't with us because he was at home trying to catch up on his sleep after working the night shift. Feeling the need for the music to match the quiet, peaceful mood we were all in, I changed the station to the local classical station. which yes, i do have on my pre-set buttons. Mozart was playing. I can't remember what symphony it was right now, but naturally it was beautiful. The babes were content to be quiet and enjoy "the instruments music" as they call it, gently swaying to the music in their car seats. and in the one single moment I knew. This is what I am grateful for.

Driving along in my car listening to Mozart with my two favorite red-heads I felt so blessed. this is what my life was meant to be. Not living it up trying to be Carrie from Sex in the City somewhere. not living perfectly content with dogs whom I pretend to be my children. not partying it up or clubbing every weekend. no. I was meant to be right there. I could feel it.

Don't get me wrong, i enjoy the occasional partying it up still. but I have found a way to balance my life in a way that still allows me to feel young and have fun. but still gives me meaningless but meaningful sunday drives with my children.

and today was exactly the kind of day that I never want to take for granted. recognizing in that moment how perfect it was...and how fleeting it was..well, I'm grateful to have had it. and to hopefully have many many more. I wish everyone out there a perfect moment just like it. and I hope you realize it when it happens.

Thanks for reading!

ps. We have found the blanket! Success!

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