Sunday, April 15, 2012


Today I am grateful for sleep.

or I guess I should say better sleep. hopefully.

I haven't actually experienced it yet. but i'm seriously hoping for some better sleep tonight.

The last 3 nights, The Marsh and I have been on seperate sleeping schedules. I'm "sleeping" at night. and he's sleeping during the day. which completely sucks. because i hate sleeping without him. and three nights is the longest in the more than 5 years we've been together, that we haven't slept in the same bed at the same time.

and I'm exhausted.

I guess I could be more tired. My sister was here this weekend, so she slept in bed with me so i didn't feel quite so alone. but it's just not the same. I miss The Marsh. I'm used to him being there. I've slept next to him almost every single day of my adult life. I mean, sure, there have been other nights when we've been on opposite schedules, but i've never allowed myself to get used to it. I've never had to. because it's never more then one night. I can go one night without sleep. I'll just catch up the following night....

that doesn't work out quite so well when it's three nights in a row.

BUT! tonight, we're back in sync. and all is right in the world. and when I crawl into bed, I know that he'll be there too. I'm not a snuggler at all, so I'm not all crazy about missing out on my "spooning" time. I just like knowing he's there. hearing his breathing. I also keep him on the side closest to the door, you know, in case anything crazy comes runnning in. he can deal with it. not me.

and The Marsh being back on the same sleep schedule couldn't have come at a more perfect time. I have to work tomorrow. and one more night sans The Marsh would have resulted in the following....

I need to call in tired....

and considering the only reason I'm working tomorrow is to cover for TWO people already being out of the office...well, I don't think calling in tired would have gone over so well.

so here's hoping for a few solid hours of REM.

and I'm not talking about the rock band from Georgia either.

Thanks for reading!

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