Thursday, November 8, 2012

Winter Weather Jacket.

Today I am grateful that I decided yesterday to buy a winter jacket.

It's seriously been a few years since I've had one.

I sucked it up and invested in one while i was pregnant with G, whose birthday is in January, but then it was a maternity jacket and didn't have much cause to wear it again.

I didn't run right out and buy another one because my weight has been up and down a bit since my pregancies too, and i didn't want to have to keep buying new ones all the time.

so it's just been me and various sweaters and my lightweight fleece for the last couple winters. the last couple NEW ENGLAND winters. it tends to get a little chilly around these parts. but to be fair i think last year was the first year I didn't walk around in flip flops in the snow. that's me attempting to be a grown up.

So also in an attempt to be a grown up (and because my new 25 year old grown up bones are reminding me how much my body hates being outside in the cold) i went out yesterday and purchased a new winter weather jacket. My first thought was to buy a peacoat, all chic and pretty. but to be realistic, i'm probably going to end up in a few snowball fights this winter with my little punks, so it seemed more prudent to go with a jacket that would repel water instead of absorbing it.

Yesterday while I was out shopping for a new winter jacket for the Breyman, I happened to spot one for myself as well. It's cute, comfy, and was cheap to boot.

plus in an attempt to feel less like an adult, i plan to spend the winter pretending to be a polar bear. this jacket will help with that perfectly.

So why am I so grateful that I picked up my new jacket yesterday?

well if you'll notice in the above picture, there is snow on the ground.




It's November 8th, people. there should not be snow on the ground.

Thankfully it rained most of the day so alot of it has already melted, but there was at least an inch this morning when I walked Breyman out to his bus stop.

and it was cold.

I'm grateful that both Brey and I were nice and warm today in our new winter coats.

and I'm grateful that when so many people may be struggling, or may not be able to afford warm clothes for their own children, that we have the means to provide for ours.

Thanks for reading!

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