Saturday, November 24, 2012

Ketchup. Again.

Okay, so today I'm grateful for a few things.

time to play catch up. again.

Let's start with Thanksgiving. it's a time when everyone is thankful for something. facebook statuses are full of people letting us all know what they're grateful for...and since that's sort of a common occurrence over here at casa de grateful, i hope you'll all forgive me for taking Thanksgiving off. but I hope you all know that I was extremely grateful for everything in my life that day. The Marsh. the babes. my house. my parents. my brother and sisters. my cat. I was grateful for it all.

I'm also grateful that The Marsh and I managed some excellent black friday shopping. we went out at midnight and picked out a few gifts for the Breyman at target that we were set on getting him. we also got a new bed for Miss G for her birthday which happens to fall a week after Christmas. Later during the day when The Marsh was at work, my sister and i went out and did some more black friday shopping. no place was too too crazy and we managed to get some great stuff. I even managed to get The Marsh a present that he doesn't no about. success all around.

I'm also grateful that my sister convinced me to get this thing of beauty.

I'm grateful that i listened to her and bought it because my first reaction was "I can't buy that! I'm 25!" I love it because it's a fun little reminder that it's okay to unleash your inner kid sometimes. and well, because it has pink fucking sequins.

I would have blogged about the christmas shopping and the fabulous hat last night, but when I got back home last night my entire street was out of power. not so much fun. So i'm also grateful to have my power back. and that I wasn't involved in the car accident that was apparently responsible for my neighborhood losing power in the first place.

That brings us back up to today. and today I'm grateful for The Marsh and my's amazing family and how much they do for my little munchkins.

We had Brey's birthday party today. because he is going to be five on Monday. excuse me for a minute while I throw up in my mouth. I cannot even begin to tell you where the last five years went.


Like I said, we had baby bear's birthday party today and he seems to be in love with all of his new birthday presents. The Marsh and I are both so grateful to have our parents and our siblings do so much for him. and it's nice to be able to have all of them over to our our house for some pizza and cake to celebrate in our own little way.

and last but not least I am grateful for the undivided attention I got from my son for the last five years. because my mom, dad, and sister gave him his own Nintendo DSi for his birthday today, so i'm pretty sure he is never going to pay attention to me again.

Thanks for reading!

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