Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Clean House.

Today I am grateful that I took the time to clean my house.


let's be realistic.

when I say I cleaned my "house" i mean I cleaned my kitchen and my living room. I plan on hitting up my bathroom tomorrow. but that's really all the important parts.

why am I grateful that I spent the day slaving away over my kitchen sink and cleaning up weeks worth of mail on my kitchen counter?

because there is a direct link between how clean my house is, and how I treat anyone within a 300 mile radius of me apparently.

I was getting bad. and so was my house.

it's not dirty, cause we're not dirty people. just cluttered. stacks of mail. magazine. the kids toys all over the living room. laundry that the kids take off in the living room and decide to just throw on the floor.

I thought I was going to have a panic attack this morning. so while The Marsh was at work (this is key to the cleaning cycle because the only time I am bitchier than when my house is dirty is when I am ACTUALLY CLEANING my house) I set to work cleaning off the counter tops and getting all the dishes done. I picked up everything and vaccumed.

and I feel like I can finally breathe again.

it took a little bit because after The Marsh came home he kept setting stuff on the counter and we sort of had it out because i thought i was going to have an aneurysm. but it's okay now.

I'm grateful because there is just a sort of peace that comes with having a semi-clean house. I mean, I don't have OCD, although somedays I wish I did because i literally do not feel compelled to have my house be perfectly tidy all the time, but I do feel a little bit like I will sleep easier tonight. probably because I know when I wake up in the morning I won't walk out into a messy living room.

or it could be because we just bought new flannel sheets and they're super soft. jury's still out.

Thanks for reading!

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