Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Take 2. Or More Like Take 1.

Today I am grateful for picture re-take day at school.

When the Breyman first went to school I kept waiting to find out when his picture day would be.

and kept waiting and waiting.

It felt like all the other schools were having their picture day, but I wasn't seeing anything in his weekly Preschool Press about it. Finally at the beginning of October the picture order form came home in B's folder.

after looking over the prices and wondering how I was going to show this thing to The Marsh without him going into cardiac arrest, I finally noticed the date. It was October 18th. right in the middle of our vacation to Florida. sonofabitch.

I looked for a re-take date and couldn't find one anywhere, so I resigned myself to the fact that he just wouldn't have them taken this year. I mean he's four. He doesn't really need a school picture taken, right?

but the more I thought about it, the more I wanted him to have it taken. I mean this is his first year of school. he rides the bus, he goes to the elementary school. he has friends and recess and is learning how to write his name. He should really have one taken. so i double checked with his teacher when I went on his field trip with him and she assured me that there would be retakes.

and then I waited. and waited. I was actually getting a little bit worried, like did i miss something again? but last week his Preschool Press informed me that re-takes would be this week and his teacher was even nice enough to send home another picture order form with Breyman today. with my lack of organization skills it was very much appreciated. Lord know where the original one actually went.

So Mr. B will be getting his very first school picture taken tomorrow afternoon.

I'm grateful that the schools do offer a day for re-takes in case kids are sick or like in our case out of town for the week. I'm grateful that even though the timing seemed horrible at first he'll still get the opportunity to get his picture taken tomorrow.

Now whether or not The Marsh is grateful that he still has to pay for these pictures is something entirely different.

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