Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tired Eyes.

Today I am grateful that I finally managed to get an eye doctor appointment.

well, actually the appointment was yesterday.

but i'm grateful for it today instead.

stop asking questions and just go with it.


grateful for the eye doc, yes.

you see, I made an appt. back in the beginning of October to go see an eye doctor who also happens to be a patient at the office I work at. and got scheduled for December. now, I tried not to freak about the time, we have some patients who have to wait months for appointments at our office too. although that's generally not the case for new patients...but, not the point. the point is that I was going to suck it up and wait.

but as time passed, i started to realize that i just couldn't wait.

these poor eyes of mine are tired. with a capitol T. apparently they didn't get the message that the rest of me has been tired since 2007. but they are tired now. they were really beginning to bother me whenever I was on the computer or reading...which lets be honest is about 98% of my life. so I broke down and called a different eye doctor's office, one that i had also been previously seen at before.

obviously they managed to get me an appointment. because i'm grateful for that. I'm also grateful that as a result of that appt. I found out that my prescription hasn't changed since 2005 when I was last seen. not that I ever wore my glasses. So after getting my prescription yesterday, I went out and bought myself a new pair of reading/computer glasess which really means all the time glasses and after wearing them this afternoon at work and this evening at home while I caught up on some of my shows on Hulu, I can definately say that my eyes are feeling better. I am still "aware" of them if that's the right word to use, but I don't even feel the slightest bit of a headache coming on. praise Jesus, people.

I'm not sure if this is going to be an easy fix or if i'm going to have other problems with my eyes, but for right now I am grateful that things seem to be going in the right direction.

Cute, right? I'm also grateful that they were only $11.99 at target. and that included a soft case. HOLLA!

Thanks for reading!

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