Sunday, September 23, 2012

Vagabond Cowboys.

Today I am grateful that The Marsh is home.


I was starting to feel like one of those woman who only sees their husbands whenever they're passing through town. only around when the wind blows them in.

I can assure you, people, I did not sign up to marry a vagabond cowboy.

But lately The Marsh has been gone more than he has been home.

He worked late at his adult education job on wednesday.

He worked a double on thursday.

we both worked on friday.

he worked another double on saturday.

and this morning he was up and out of the house by 6:45 am to be off to work again, dragging his tail home a little after 5:00 pm.

It's been a long week.

I missed him.

the babes missed him.

although when they asked why Daddy was working late, I explained it was so that he could make money for us to go to Disney World. They seemed to be much more understanding about his absence after that.

We all curled up on the couch after dinner tonight to watch a movie, and I was and am extremely grateful to be feeling like a family unit again. The kids are also grateful to have him back too, as he is currently in reading them their bedtime story and they don't have to listen to me two nights in a row. because for some reason they find my storytelling subpar compared to their father's...

Anyway. I'm just grateful he's home. I'm grateful this upcoming week won't be quite so bad because my birthday is coming up on thursday and we've got plans on thursday and friday night together.

and I'm grateful that at least for now I can stop feeling like I am just married to that gentleman who occasionally passes through.

Thanks for reading!

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