Monday, September 10, 2012

Dub Step.

Right now, in this very moment, I am grateful for the silence that is now happening in my house.

well, The Marsh is playing a video game.

but to be fair, he's playing it quietly.

but earlier.

oh yes earlier.

my house was not so quiet.

you see today The Marsh discovered the dub step station on pandora radio.

at first i noticed a few songs in a row that had it going on, so i asked "did you put pandora on a nightclub station or what?" and he responds with "I'm trying to culturally immerse myself in other types of music..such as dub step" yup. thats my husband, ladies and gentlemen. almost 30 but he's still hip with the kids. and then after the songs keep playing i realize that it is, in fact, a dub step station.

that was at 10:30 this morning.

you know when the dub step stopped playing in our house? at 8:30 pm when I walked over to my kitchen counter and proceeded to rip my ipod of my ihome. my house has sounded like a god damn rave all day. i actually felt like i was on drugs at one point because the noise was just pounding into my head. over. and Over. and OVER.

and the worst part is that it's not that i don't like it, cause i do. i couldn't even walk to my bathroom without busting a groove because the whole thing really is so catchy.

but JEEZ MAN. a girl can only take so much.

so I am very grateful for the silence going on right now. and the lack of dub step happening in my house. actually, i think if i ran into Skrillex right now i would punch him in the face. so i'm grateful he's no where around right now too. i have better things to do than be brought up assault charges.

like pour a freaking glass of wine.

Thanks for reading!

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