Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Day 1. Pre-K.

Today I am grateful that both Brey and I survived his first day of Pre-K.


and it wasn't even really all that hard on me.

okay, so maybe it was.

there were definately a few tears on my part.

none shed by him though. he walked away from me into that school and didn't even look back.



He made it to school and back today just fine.

He says that he had lots of fun. and that he also doesn't remember anything that he did today. i think he does. i think he thinks it's funnier to just not tell me what i want to know.

I just keep looking at these pictures and thinking "how is this even possible?" when did my little baby become old enough to go to school? to ride the BUS?

le sigh.

I'm old. boo.

all this being said, even though I did have a teensy little problem with letting go...I am extremely happy and excited for him to start this new journey in his life. I'm grateful that he has the chance to go to school and meet new friends and learn new things from someone who isn't his mom. I'm grateful for all the fun he is going to have even if  he doesn't know it yet. I am grateful for this whole part of his life that is going to help form who is as a human being, this incredible opportunity he has even though he hasn't quite realized the overall effect that this is going to have on his life.

because today was just Day One.

Day One of soo many many more.

good days.

bad days.

happy days.

sad days.

fun days.

annoying days.

brilliant days.

embaressing days.

they all started today.

I'm grateful that even though today seemed hard at the time...it's probably the easiest it's ever going to get..so I'll just leave it at that. i'm grateful for today.

Thanks for reading!

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