Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Today I am grateful for my super awesome shopping side kick.

Miss arch nemesis numero uno.

a.k.a.  Little Miss G.

Isn't she adorable?

the correct answer is yes.

and now that Mr. Breyman is going to school every afternoon, its just her and i trying to work out this whole "mom and daughter" quality time thing. i think it's going well so far. but it's still early.

Today I knew i wanted to head out shopping a bit because the season is changing and i needed a few new work outfits. Miss G is becoming quite the diva, so instead of waiting for a moment when i could go shopping alone like i normally do, I looked at G and said " you want to help momma pick out some dresses at the store?" Girl was in heaven.

and she has officially turned into the sassiest little shopper friend ever.

when we were in the dressing room and i was changing into different outfits she was sure to tell me that i looked beautiful. and while my heart melts a little whenever she says that, it's not exactly unusual. The Marsh has done a pretty great job at training both breyman and georgie to tell me that i look pretty. (he's a good guy like that) but then, out of no where, she looks right at me and says "Mom, you look simply fabulous!" I almost died. it was seriously the cutest thing ever. and she said it with kind of attitude that wasn't like "bad" attitude, just pure sass. like she's been watching Tim Gunn behind my back or something. I was waiting for her to bust out his famous "Make it work."

moments like that make me so grateful to have her for a daughter. and while i have no doubt that she was being serious (because hello? i AM simply fabulous) it was also like she knew I would find it funny. i love that at three she is already finding her sense of humor and owning it. it lets me know that on top of all the craziness that comes with being a parent, there will definately always be laughter. i mean, how could they not with a little chica like that in the mix?

so today i am grateful for my new favorite shopping sidekick. and i'm grateful for every single future laught that she will provide.

Thanks for reading!

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