Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sliding Doors.

Today I am grateful sliding doors.


not literally.

you see, Sliding Doors is a movie with Gweneth Paltrow from the late 90s. It's about a woman who gets fired and then goes to take the train home. One half of the movie plays around the events in her life based on if she makes the train that day. the other half the of the movie is based on her missing the train. i guess it's about fate. things happening for whatever reason.

sometimes fate really sucks.

and sometimes fate is kind to you.

Fate has been really kind to me. Sometimes when I see things happening in other people's lives that are horrible i feel like i need to start walking on egg shells around fate. i get scared that maybe she does have my number, she just hasn't found me yet. Other times i remind myself there isn't anything i can do about it either way so i need to stop worrying and just enjoy this beautiful life i've been given.

although it is scary to think about how such a small thing can change your whole life. in the movie it was the sliding doors stopping her from getting on the train, i can't even begin to pin point that moment that could have changed everything for me, i don't even want to think about it.

So i guess I just want to be grateful for my own sliding doors. and this life they've led me to.

Thanks for reading!

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