Saturday, August 4, 2012


Today I am choosing to be grateful in advance.

please body. do not protest the god awful strain i put on you today by helping my brother move THE HEAVIEST COUCH IN THE UNIVERSE up the steepest stairs EVER.

I have no particular need to find out what a hernia feels like. So i would be extremely grateful if you just let this one slide, okay?

seriously people.

This morning when I started talking to my brother about what he had left to move into his apartment, i had no idea what i was getting myself into. Note to self: when brother says he is going to be moving a couch into his second story apartment, DO NOT VOLUNTEER TO HELP.

man. I should be grateful that I am still alive.

and that my brother is too. that couch was seriously heavy. I mean, i'm not exactly She-Ra or anything, but I can lift some heavy stuff when I want to. I thought helping him out might suck a little bit, but man I seriously over estimated myself. I was physically incapable of taking a step up the stairs backwards while holding this couch, it was so heavy. My sister decided to help out too, her and i on one side, my brother on the other. I don't know how he didn't drop dead of a freaking heart attack. between the heat and the heavy lifting the three of us literally had sweat dripping off of us. and it wasn't as easy as just hauling it up in one go, it didn't fit exactly right so we had to try and angle it. and everytime it got stuck, sometimes we would have to switch sides so that my brother could fix it mid way up the stairs. which meant there were moments when either he was holding the couch alone while my sister and i had to run out the back door and all away around the house to get to the bottom of the stairs to help him...or he had to make the trip, leaving my sister and I to hold the couch while he was gone.

my back and arms are screaming as we speak. but hey, he's got a couch now right?

My best option is to hope at this point that my body loves me enough not to give me a hernia. i'm sure the pain tomorrow shall be torment enough. and hey if anyone else is out there listening please make sure my brother doesn't end up with one to, okay? I'd be grateful for that.

or at least wait until he's finished moving all his stuff in.

you know, so I don't have to help again.


Thanks for reading!

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