Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today I am grateful for good news.


High five, Universe, for being super cool for once.

My sister, whom I had previously mentioned was possibly having some medical issues finally got some test results back yesterday.

I haven't gone into a whole lot of detail on here, but now that we sort of know what's going on, I'll say that she had some questionable lumps in her chest. and last week she had a biopsy done to see if said lumps (bumps? tumors?) were cancerous.

it was a nerve racking 6 days waiting for the results. she's only 25. i understand that getting the news you have cancer is devastating at any age, but seriously? 25? and she has a three year old daughter. the whole ordeal was completely horrid.

but like I said, good news. she got the phone call yesterday, that the lumps bumps tumors whatever the hell the actually are...are not cancer.


they're still going to go ahead and take them out, to rule out any future incidents, but for now everything is looking really positive.

thank goodness. i'm so grateful for that.

we may not always see eye to eye on everything, but she's my sister, you know? I couldn't even begin to imagine her not being there.

double high five, Universe!

oh yea....

my mom has a slipped disk....

damn it.

 fuck you, Universe! but only just a little.

Thanks for reading!

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