Thursday, August 2, 2012


Today I am grateful for my Grandmama and how crazy she is about her health.

She is one of the most "aware" of herself people I have ever known and she certainly isn't shy about letting her doctors know whats up with her. She's kind of a "my way or the highway" type person. (You wonder where the rest of us get it from?) and she is absolutely take charge when she thinks there is a problem.

This came in handy a few weeks ago when she noticed something wasn't quite right. and instead of ignoring it like something people may be inclined to do (MOM) she immediately called her doctor and explained her situation.

An ultrasound and a biopsy later, I'm so grateful that she called them right away.

We got the news yesterday that she has endometrial cancer.

Maybe it was just the shock of finding out the test was positive or maybe it was hearing that my grandmother has cancer on top of handling my father-in-law's situation right now, but i didn't handle the news super great. lots of tears shed. BUT The Marsh has been dealing with everything with his dad for months now and it was my anniversary, so i attempted to pull myself together and get a grip. plus, my mom said that its seemed very likely that it was in the early stages.

I went out to visit her today, even though she didn't seem all that excited about company. i can understand, talking about it is thinking about it and I'm sure she's already driving herself crazy thinking about it. but i feel better after seeing her today and talking to her more. The doctor that she was seeing has referred her to a specialist and it may be a couple weeks before she can get in there, but he told her that the pathology lab the diagnosed that cancer believes that she only has Stage 1. They can't officially stage her, but still, it makes me feel better knowing that they believe her to be so early in the staging process. The cancer can basically be "cured" or removed completely rather by a radical hysterectomy if she is only in Stage 1. so mostly she just has to worry about recovery time. She's already post menopausal so it's not like she has to worry about the hysterectomy screwing with her hormones too much.

If it's progressed further than Stage 1...well, we're not really thinking about that. or I guess I'm going to say i'm not really thinking about that. She is pretty dead set right now that she is not having chemo or radiation. and i'm not going to argue with her about it. I prefer to just believe she only has stage 1, she is going to have a hysterectomy and that will be the end of it.

happy thoughts people. happy thoughts.

Anyway, i created this blog because i was trying to find the positive in everyday after my father-in-law was diagnosed with cancer. and having someone else i love diagnosed makes it hard sometimes to find something to be grateful for. something to be angry at, maybe. or to worry about. but it's hard to be thanful. I'm not walking around thanking the universe for bringing this horrible disease into my life yet again. but in the spirit of being positive I will say that I am so grateful they seem to have caught it early. and this whole thing will just seem like some crazy bad dream in a few months time.

and if it all works out exactly like that, I will be even more grateful indeed.

Thanks for reading!

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