Tuesday, August 14, 2012

#346 on my list of "I cannot believe I just said that."

Today I am grateful that my Grandmama is having surgery next week.

You can add that to the list of things I never thought I would say.

But it's true.

I mentioned a couple weeks past that I recently found out my Grandmama has endometrial cancer, and while there seems to be a lot of hope and reassurance that she is most likely in the very early stages, it hasn't made finding out any less scary. but with lots of luck, all she'll need is a hysterectomy and the doctor will manage to get all the cancer out of her.

and she wants all that shit out of her. like yesterday.

the only problem has been that we live in this horribly rural oncologistless part of the country and there is literally only one specialist in our state.

as you can imagine, dude gets kind of busy.

But after a few mix ups with the office dealing with her paper work and her bringing enough attention to the issue, she managed to get in for her consult today. which was pretty amazing because they initially told her she wouldn't even get her consult until mid september, let alone when her actual surgery would be. not good, people. not good. but the specialist's office being as awesome as they are managed to sqeak her in today, and then while she was at the office, the doctor had a change come up in his schedule for next friday and asked my grandmama if she would be interested in taking the appt. um YES?

I'm so grateful that she is getting the surgery done so quickly. I'm so grateful that the doctors seem to think that they've caught the cancer early enough that this surgery will be enough to cure her. and I'm so grateful that right now at this moment, losing my Grandmama isn't something that it seems I have to consider yet.

I know it doesn't seem fair that I still have my grandparents when so many people my age have already lost them. The Marsh never even knew his grandfathers. but call me selfish, thats one club that I'm not ready join. I hope I have her for as long as absolutely possible.

Thanks for reading!

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