Monday, August 6, 2012

The Anti-Pool Party.

I hate water.

It's really not much of a secret that I hate water.

It gives me the heebie jeebies.

and you know, sharks live in it.

or Norman Bates stands outside of your shower while you're in it.

It's just pretty freaking horrible all around.

I think the funniest thing about my hatred of water, is that once upon a time, i almost drowned. How is that funny? because I never blame the fact that I hate water on my near death (can you feel the drama?) experience. people assume all the time that it's the reason i hate water. but seriously it's not. it's the sharks, i'm telling ya. and norman bates. and just the feeling of being wet. i hate it.

why the running hate commentary on water?

well tonight i am grateful that someone else this time didn't drown.

This little guy.

heart attack anyone?

My kids are super rambunctious. in all aspects of their life. swimming in their little swimming pool at my in-laws house isn't any different. tonight while they were playing, my daughter thought it might be a super great idea to jump on Brey, and the didn't realize that she was holding his head under the water.

The Marsh was on top of things and managed to get Brey up before things got too scary, and he was a little shaken up, coughed a bit, but not bothered enough to get out of the pool. and while this whole incident could definately have been scarier, i'm not going to temp fate or karma or whatever by NOT being grateful that he was okay tonight. I'm absolutely grateful with my whole being that he is okay. that this wasn't serious. and he just continued on playing like nothing happened.

I'm perfectly okay with him not realizing shit could have just gone seriously wrong.  but I obviously am aware....and cannot even begin to talk about what could have happened.

so please just know how grateful i am that this little dude is perfectly safe and healthy. I would say that he is also all tucked into bed safely and sleeping, but he's spending the night at my mother in law's, so he is probably still awake and eating junk food.

and tonight i don't even care.

Thank for reading!

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