Friday, March 30, 2012

When in Rome.

Today I am grateful it's friday.

T.G.I.F., if you please.

I'm not usually grateful for fridays. don't get me wrong, I don't hate fridays. I don't spend my week going "No friday!! Please don't come!" well. maybe I do on occasion. but thats only because friday happens to be one of the two days a week I work.

anyhoo. as I've said I don't particularly dislike fridays, i just don't get super excited about them. The Marsh's work week always started on wednesday. so weekends weren't anything special to get excited about around here. and sure, I have the weekends off. but i also have monday, wednesday, and thursday off too. so while the rest of the world gears up for the weekend and proclaims loudly to the world "Thank God it's Friday!" my typical response is something alongs the lines of "is it monday yet?" people tend to condsider that a downer.

But today, this special friday, The Marsh and I both made it through our work day and now we have the next three days off. So this is me joining in with the masses. Viva la Friday! Normally I would be so excited by this amazingness that I would be drinking a bottle of wine and staying up all night watching foreign movies with The Marsh. but that isn't going to happen tonight. One, because I don't have any wine. *insert cranky face here* and two, becuase I just want to go to bed. The price paid to earn this three day weekend was The Marsh working his 12 hour shifts all week. and I was awake with him when he got up at 4:30 AM one morning too many. I've also spent most of this week squaring off against arch nemesis numero uno.

If she's this exhausting at 3, she's never allowed to grow up. I don't think I can handle her at 16. Meanwhile my mother is enjoying every second of this. If I ever believed in magic, i would believe the magical powers behind the phase "I hope you have a daughter just like you." Lucky for her she's too stinkin' cute for her own good. It saves her from more trouble. alot. come to think of it, she may get that from me too.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to start this weekend off with a hot date. with my pillow.

oh..and just to recap, I'm always grateful for food. hehe.

Thanks for reading!

ps. Thanks for sticking with me for 60 straight days! only 305 to go.

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