Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Baby Bear.

Today I am grateful for my son, Brey.

I call him Baby Bear. or more recently just Bear, when I'm pretending I'm okay with the fact that he's no longer a baby.

He's so stinkin' cute I can't even handle it sometimes.

and he's the coolest four year old in town. no sesame street for this kid. He prefers Lord of the Rings, thank you very much. (which won't be so cool this fall when his preschool teacher calls me to say he's trying to decapitate all the other children orcs running around the playground) He likes The Avengers and Transformers. and not the new Transformers, but straight up 1983 Transformers, which is even better. or so his daddy says. This little man can even name captain kirk and mr. spock on sight. from both 1966 and 2009.

God, I'm so proud.

I can't believe he is going to be five this fall. five! When the fuck did that happen? I feel like just yesterday he was my little baby. obvioulsy the coolest baby in town.

Yes, that is a Return of the Jedi t-shirt on a 6 month old. yes, that t-shirt belonged to The Marsh when he was a baby.

I'm so proud of how awesome he's turned out. especially because as the oldest child parenting him is sort of trial and error. He's been kind on his mommy. He knows I wanted dogs.

Everyday Baby Bear goes out of his way to tell me he loves me. In the middle of running around kicking Red Skull's butt he pauses and runs up to me with a big hug and a kiss. The way he says "I lub you, Mama" makes my heart constrict. each morning before our arch nemesis, a.k.a. little sister Georgie, wakes up, Bear crawls into bed with me for some serious snuggle time. Sometimes he falls asleep and lets me hold him like he used to when he was a baby. Sometimes he indulges his mama while casually asking "can we go to the living room and have strawberry milk now?" with no trace of attitude whatsoever. (unlike our arch nemesis).

I've even decided to be grateful that he ended up with red hair. which I desperately didn't want him to have. My reasons? Have you ever seen a hott red headed dude? Not often. but after looking at this little man, my new answer is not yet. because I have no doubt this little man is going to be breaking some hearts some day.

But I can't think about that now...I'll think about that tomorrow.

name that movie.

and today I am especially grateful for my little cool dude because after coming home from a long day at work, Bear was the first one to see me coming in the door. he stopped playing his video game, ran over to me, and gave me a great big bear hug. followed by a big kiss. and his signature "I lub you, Mama." and when a boy puts down his video game for you, you know he's a keeper.

Cutest little man. ever.

Thanks for reading!

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