Sunday, March 11, 2012

2. 2. 3.

Today I am grateful that The Marsh is starting a new job schedule tomorrow.

I think.

For the last 3 and 1/2 years he's worked 10 8 hour days, with overtime thrown in frequently. He has two days off a week, one of which is a day that I venture out into my own workforce. so it's not spent together. He spends it with the babes, though. It's good father/children bonding time. and it saves us on daycare. Now, this doesn't sound like alot of time spent at work. but The Marsh has a hard time delegating and usually ends up staying at work way later than quitting time. It's been better lately, but I we still miss him. I still miss him.

Tomorrow morning The Marsh will be starting a new schedule of 12 hour days. How is that better? We're hoping that it will be better because he is working the 2 2 3 sequence. 2 days on. 2 days off. 3 days on. 2 days off. 2 days on. 3 days off.

Follow that?

the point is, he won't be working more than 3 days in a row. and every other week he'll have a three day weekend. if everything works out, this should equal to more days off together. More days to spend as a family together.

This is sort of one giant experiment. I mean we've never handled this kind of schedule before. so there is a chance this could completely blow up in our face. and it's not a guaranteed schedule either. It could change back. this is why I THINK I'm grateful. but not completely sure yet. right now I'm just trying to focus on the positive things. like more time together.

It could mean that The Marsh can start to join in on the fun a little bit more. The Marsh has worked weekends the last 3 and 1/2 years as well. so he always has to get up the next morning after every get together. after every birthday party. last year he even left my birthday party early so he could go home and get some sleep before going into work the next morning. and I didn't blame him. My sister-in-law and I stayed out til 3ish in the morning for my birthday party. But i still wish that The Marsh could have stayed. that he could have joined in the fun more too. We never get to have his birthday party on a day that he doesn't have to work after. or he always has to duck out early. Remember how I made him dress up as Mr. Spock for Halloween?

He had to leave early that night too. Lame.

and this coming saturday is going to be another fun party at my Momma's house. for St. Patrick's Day. And while I've been super excited for this ever since we decided to have the party, I was sad because I knew that The Marsh would only get to enjoy the party for a little bit. That he would go home before me. and the next day I would have to recap what happened after he left. (the parts I can remember anyway) BUT with his new schedule starting this week, he's going to be off from work this weekend. The ENTIRE weekend. so there will be no going home early for The Marsh this time. He's finally free to party hardy with the rest of us. But not too hardy. between you and me The Marsh doesn't always hold his liquor so well. and it's not pretty.

So here's to hoping that 2 2 3 works. That he'll be home more and that we'll get more time together. I'm always grateful for more family time. and I'm grateful for everyday with The Marsh.

Thanks for reading!

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