Monday, March 12, 2012

Vitamin D.

Today I am grateful for the beautiful weather.

It was gorgeous outside.

60 degrees in new england. I almost busted out the sun screen just so it would smell like summer. It almost felt like it was. After months of being cooped up inside, my kids jumped at the opportunity to play outside.

They were running around in sweatshirts. so much better than having to get all bundled up in their winter jackets and hats. Brey was "ice skating" on the left over ice.

and Georgie took the opportunity to get some swinging in after months of going without.

and while they ran around expending energy and generally acting like crazy people, I pulled out my trusty Sams Club fold up patio chair and sat in my driveway soaking up as much Vitamin D as possible while reading a Sookie Stackhouse novel. It was kind of perfect. and I count my blessings everyday for how often I get to think "today was a perfect."

I seriously hope this spring weather lasts. it was refreshing. not that this winter has been so awful, but come on. spring is always better than winter. Of course, its only March 12th. a week ago we had over a foot of snow on the ground. it's entirely possible that next week we'll get another foot. but today the weather was nice enough to cure my children's and my cabin fever. so I'm grateful for today.

Thanks for reading!

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