Sunday, March 4, 2012

Homeward Bound.

Today I am grateful to be home.

or more precisely to have never left home at all.

thats right. I didn't step one foot outside today.

not even to let my cat in.

I wouldn't have even gotten dressed if my best friend Kristy and her boyfriend Ken hadn't have come over for a wondeful visit.

and I'm completely ok with that.

after a busy last few days the last thing I wanted to do today was venture out into the world. and I didn't have to because the babes and I had everything we needed here. well, we were getting a little low on milk but The Marsh picked some up from the grocery store on his way home from work. heck yes. I fucking hate the grocery store. and any day that avoids a trip to the grocery store is a day to be grateful for.

plus I had french toast today too. wow. my day really was awesome. The best part is that I am completely serious. I had an awesome day, because I didn't go anywhere, visited with my best friend, ate french toast, and avoided the grocery store. that may seem lame to you but it's about as close to perfect as this girl gets. although I'm out of wine. so it could have been a little better I suppose.

Days like today make me grateful that The Marsh works so hard so that I can stay home and be with the babes and not  have to go anywhere. When The Marsh and I first met i worked retail, which of course, meant that I worked weekends. for a little while we both managed to have sundays off, so sunday became sort of a special day for us. but now The Marsh works on sundays. and even though we don't have that special day together anymore, he makes it possible for me to have sundays with my babes. which is just a different kind of special. life goes by so fast, I'll take as many lazy sundays with my children as I can get.

even if that means resisting the urge to stab Caillou in the face.

Who's Caillou? Trust me when I tell you that you are in fact grateful that you don't know.

Thanks for reading!

ps. If you associated this post's title with a movie about dogs and not an amazing song by the greatest duo of all time, Simon and Garfunkle, we can no longer be friends.

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