Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Lost and Found.

Today... I am grateful that the trash guy comes on Wednesday.

Say what???


Thanks Bill (that's our trash guy's name) for not picking up my trash until tomorrow. or else my husband might not have ever spoken to me again.

and you know, this whole thing doesn't work
if one of us is doomed to sleeping on the couch.

or as he put it "you should be grateful no one has to die today".....he's just a tad bit dramatic.

So what exactly was in the trash that was SOOO important that it didn't get picked up today. that would be The Marsh's keys. the key to his car. the spare key to my car. a house key. possibly even a key to the local adult education office that The Marsh works for part time. I don't keep an inventory of his keys. i just know that they are important. and it would really have sucked to try and replace them all.

I'm sure by now you've figured out that it may have possibly been my fault that they ended up there in the first place. But to be fair, he put them in a plastic bag. and then told me to put Georgie's melty ice cream cone in said bag when she was finished with it on saturday. I looked through the bag quickly before tossing it in the garbage, removed somethings, i can't remember exactly what, but I know I did take something out. but unfortunately, it wasn't his keys.

so The Marsh has been walking around since Saturday not knowing where his keys went. and then today he remembered that they were in the bag in my car. so he calls me at work and says "hey, I figured out where I left my keys! Where did you put that bag with the ice cream cone?"...uhh the only place you put a plastic bag with a melty ice cream cone? I didn't say that. call me psychic but I knew he wouldn't take it well. especially when I was about to send him dumpster diving. although it was more like garage trash can tipping. he was lucky enough to spot the bag at the bottom of one of the trash bags, so he just cut a hole in the bag and pulled out his keys. relatively no mess. no harm. no fowl, right? I'll just keep telling myself that.

So I am extremely grateful that he found his keys. I think the real thing to be thankful about is that he didn't have this revelation tomorrow. I've metioned before that The Marsh is in some serious need of some Ginko Biloba for his memory. If he had taken one more day to figure out where they were...well, i don't even want to think about that. I prefer it when my husband is actually speaking to me.

Thanks for reading!

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