Thursday, August 16, 2012

PICC Line.

Today I am grateful that my father-in-law had his PICC line removed.

If you're not exactly sure what a picc line is, the definition is as follows:

A PICC line is, by definition and per its acronym, a peripherally inserted central catheter. It is long, slender, small, flexible tube that is inserted into a peripheral vein, typically in the upper arm, and advanced until the catheter tip terminates in a large vein in the chest near the heart to obtain intravenous access.

Yum, right?

He has had a picc line in since just about the time he started chemo at the beginning of the year. it makes having repeated intravenous medications so much easier because he doesn't have to get stuck by a needle everytime he needs something. and while it certainly makes taking all of his treatments more convenient, blech right? I wouldn't want something attached to me 24/7. It's itchy. it has to constantly be covered with gauze and he's been to the hospital before with chest pain, but you know, it was just his picc line moving around. IN HIS CHEST. double blech.

a few weeks ago the doctors decided that Bob (my father-in-law) will be taking a break from chemo for awhile. it's basically done all its going to do for now, so over the next few months the guy doesn't have to be poked or proded or completely sick from all the drugs injected into him. he just gets to be himself.

and yesterday the doctors were kind enough to take his picc line out.

it just seems like such a postitive step, you know. that he's reached a point where he gets to let his body build back up his strength again. that his body gets to be his own again. no more crazy tubes. he also starts physical therapy next week to help get his muscles back in working order again.

The Marsh is happy.

and that makes me happy.

We both know that this could very well be temporary. that things could get bad again fast. but for right now we're so grateful to take the rest of the summer and the fall with Bob feeling well and not so sick from the chemo. it's going to be a special time for The Marsh to have with his father. and precious time for my children to spend with their grandfather.

I am so grateful that he has been such a fighter and champ through this process. I'm grateful for this chance. and grateful for this time.

so yay! no more picc line.

I think the universe knows that my family needs just a little bit of a break.


Thanks for reading!

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